Kids Takeover
Terms & Conditions
- Booking with Kids Takeover constitutes as your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and your Booking Confirmation email is your contract.
- Before Booking you must complete our registration process for your family.
- By Booking with Kids Takeover, you are agreeing that the participant is reasonably fit, healthy, capable of participating on our programme and that you have disclosed any relevant information during registration.
- GDPR – You will need to read and give your consent for First Step Sports to hold any personal information that you have provided us with, this information will be stored on our CRM (Coordinate Sport Web app). Any marketing preferences can be amended by you through your account.
- Kids Takeover will send you an automated email to confirm your Booking, please ensure you supply the correct details at registration to ensure you are able to receive your confirmation notification.
- Your Booking is not secured until payment is received.
- All payments must be made 4 weeks before the camp start date.
- Childcare vouchers must be processed and received 1 week before the camp start date.
- Cancellations
- Cancellations made 1 week prior to the camp start date will receive a full refund.
- For cancellations made less than 1 week prior to the camp, refunds will not be issued, your account will remain in credit for the cancelled balance until further bookings are made.
- If your cancellation is due to a medical or mitigating circumstance (which must be evidenced) and you have already paid for your sessions, we may issue a refund at our absolute discretion less an administration fee.
- The administration fee is £16.
- Pricing of camps is liable to change at any time but will not affect bookings already confirmed with a booking notification email.
- Offers and discounts will be applied at the time of booking and Kids Takeover reserve the right to withdraw promotions without notice. This will not affect any current bookings confirmed with a booking notification email.
- Discounts and voucher codes cannot be combined. If multiple discounts or voucher codes are available, only the highest value discount will be applied, whether it is an automatic discount or a voucher code.
- Where possible Kids Takeover will not change the programme, however, we reserve the right to amend the programme with good reason. E.g. Unforeseen circumstances, adverse weather conditions, lack of uptake, circumstances out of our control. We will notify customers as soon as possible and will try to provide an alternative activity, venue or give a full refund were necessary.
- Kids Takeover reserve the right to cancel a camp with good reason. E.g. Unforeseen circumstances, adverse weather conditions, lack of uptake, circumstances out of our control. We will notify customers as soon as possible and will try to provide an alternative venue or give a full refund.
- We here at Kids Takeover work tirelessly to ensure that we deliver a quality and professional service and on the rare occasion incidents do occur, we take them extremely seriously no matter how small. If you have a complaint, please speak to the Head Coach on Camp, who will attempt to solve the problem. Alternatively, please direct your emails to [email protected] or call 01482 218 753.
- By Booking, you understand and agree that all camps involve an inherent risk of injury.
- You are responsible for the participants safety and accept this inherent risk of safety for your child to participate in our camps.
- You will ensure the participant acts and behaves appropriately; in accordance with our Golden Rules and safety rules and procedures set out at our camps, in order to minimise risk.
- In the unlikely event that any participant requires medical attention whilst at camp, we will provide first aid on site and make every attempt to contact you.
- By Booking, you acknowledge and consent to our taking the participant offsite to obtain medical attention when we deem it is required, if necessary, without your consent, in an emergency.
- By Booking with Kids Takeover, you are confirming that you are responsible for the child and that you have read and have accepted our terms and conditions.
- During the registration process we collect information on additional needs. In line with the Equality Act 2010, we understand some children require additional support and where possible can make reasonable adjustments to provide an engaging and inclusive environment for most children, regardless of their specific needs.
- During the registration process, we require parents and guardians to be honest regarding any additional support a child may require.
- Customers are required to complete the following fields with any information that may be beneficial to our coaches to help care for and deliver to your child:
- Medical Notes – Any information that we will need regarding the child’s medical history that may affect the child whilst attending a session.
- Disability Information – Any information regarding a disability that may affect the child whilst attending a session.
- Behavioural Information – Any past or present behavioural information that may affect the child whilst attending a session.
- Special Educational Needs – Any Special Educational Needs that may affect the child whilst attending a session.
- Our coaches use praise and positive reinforcement on all camps. If a child displays poor or unacceptable behaviour, we use a variety of behaviour management techniques. Poor or unacceptable behaviour will be discussed with the parent either at the time or on collection.
- Where a child displays particularly violent or unacceptable behaviour, the parents or guardians may be asked to collect the child from camp immediately.
- We are unable to provide 1:1 support for children but welcome the attendance of an adult support worker when a child’s family or carer fund and source this.
- A 1:1 supporting adult is defined as an adult who is above the age of 18 and has a personal or professional commitment to the support and development of a child who may need provision on a regular basis.
- Supporting adults are not responsible for any other children and they will not be left alone with any other children.
- Supporting adults are there solely for a specific child and will provide such support to enable the child to participate on camp without detracting from the welfare and safety of other children.
- Any supporting adults will be vetted by First Step Sports Group and must provide qualifications, DBS, First Aid and Safeguarding certificates to support on the camp.
- Where a child has higher level needs, we require parents or guardians to contact the Kids Takeover Coordinator on 01482 218 753 or [email protected] to discuss the additional needs, and together create a Care Plan in order to provide the coaches with any information they will need to deliver a safe and engaging camp.
- We reserve the right to contact parents and guardians at any point to collect their child when we believe it is necessary to protect the welfare of their child, or other children.
- We reserve the right to decline a booking or prevent a child attending a programme if we believe that incorrect or incomplete information has been provided by a parent or carer at the point of booking that could or does detract from the welfare of the child or other children.